Menjadi Anak Gaul Tangerang (Agata)

Menjadi Anak Gaul Tangerang (Agata)

It has been a while since the last time I wrote here! Nah, kali ini gue mau cerita tentang kunjungan singkat gue ke rumah Sasya di Teluknaga, Tangerang. Sebenernya ini adalah kunjungan gue yang kedua – setelah bukber dulu (read more here Gue emang udah niat mau nginep di rumah Sasya karena mau puas main dengan si Azmi, bayi bulat itu. Tapi ya masih jadi wacana sampai akhirnya terealisasi hari Kamis lalu.

Image result for teluknaga boulevard
Titik patokan rumah Sasya, bukan boulevardnya, tapi di gang sebelahnya, Gang Ambon (Sumber: Google)

Gue ke kampus Kamis pagi dengan niat mau ujian, tapi ya begitu, jadinya malah batal which was fine for me hehe. Setelah itu, gue dan Sasya berangkat menuju Stasiun Pondok Ranji terus naik kereta deh. Nah, kita beberapa kali transit untuk naik kereta yang berbeda. Buat gue yang jarang naik kereta, petualangan transit bala-bala itu cukup seru untuk dilakukan. Total perjalanan sendiri memakan waktu hampir dua jam. Kita juga gak dapet duduk pas di kereta, jadilah kaki pegel, perut laper, mata sepet.

Syukur banger hari itu cuaca cerah. Gue dan Sasya tiba di Stasiun Tangerang sekitar pukul 1.30, sesampainya disana, kita langsung dijemput oleh keluarganya Sasya dan juga Sang Kekasih, Wendi. Sesuai skenario di kepala gue, gue menyalami Mamah dan Papah di mobil berharap bisa mencairkan suasana agar gak terlalu awkward. Untungnya, Mamah dan Papah semangat cerita, khususnya tentang perjalanan haji mereka baru-baru ini. Seru banget denger ceritanya juga cerita tentang rencana mereka bertolak ke Thailand pada bulan November nanti.

Gue, Sasya, dan Wendi, hanya fokus mendengar, menanggapi sesekali, dan kembali diam. Kita berhenti dulu di warung makan Jawa namanya Parmi untuk santap siang. Makanannya wenak! Gue makan opor ayam, gudeg, keretek, dan bakwan udang yang lebar banger. Setelah kenyang, kita pun melanjutkan perjalanan. Sesampainya di rumah Sasya, gue disambut oleh si gembil, Azmi. Lucu banget! Gue langsung gendong dia dan menyalami orang rumah. Sore itu dihabiskan dengan leyeh-leyeh di ruang tamu.

Dari sekian pengalaman nginep gue, nginep di rumah Sasya juga membuat gue paham bagaimana kegiatan sehari-hari keluarganya, membuat gue menjadi anggota keluarga meski sebentar. Gue pun disuguhi berbagai makanan dan cemilan seperti kuaci yang dinimkati bersama Mamah sambil nonton TV. Tak lupa, gue juga disuguhi air zam zam yang berkah itu. Interaksi dengan Yayu dan Amel juga cukup terjalin hangat selama di sana.




Malamnya, gue diajak Sasya untuk eksplorasi Tangerang. Karena gue males jadi nyamuk diantara Sasya dan Wendi, akhirnya kita memutuskan untuk mengajak Amel dan Kiki. Kita berangkat abis magrib dan mulailah petualangan malam kita. Niat awal kita waktu itu adalah untuk makan di sebuah tempat makan bernama up-normal tapi itu rame banget. Akhirnya, kita cari lagi sampe ketemu sebuah food court gitu. Kita memesan sushi dan bento dan tak lupa berfoto-foto. Ok, malam itu gue dapet kelompok main baru.

Menunggu pesanan kami

Setelah makan, kita pun melanjutkan eksplorasi kita ke festival qur’an di masjid kota. Masjidnya besar dan megah banget. Seperti festival pada umumnya, disana ada banyak tenda dagangan. Kita melihat-lihat sekitaran masjid dan juga masuk ke dalamnya.


5 #30DayChallenge

5 #30DayChallenge

5 – 5 things that irritate you about the opposite/same sex

Source: Google

Well, these five irritating things apply for both sexes. Men and women who do these things seriously irritate me.

1. Control freak

Yes, people who are controlling and bossy. The ones who do offer advice and help but do it too much that they start to control my life. The ones who live with a set of ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’.

2. Selfish and attention seeker

People who just want to talk about themselves all the time, the ones who want to be listened to but ignore other’s speaking. The ones who do anything that makes them happy regardless of what other people feel.

3. Coming late

This one irritates me a lot. I know sometimes I can be late as well but now I am trying to be always punctual. People who are not punctual are seriously annoying. They make me wait and they tend to full of ego to apologize.

4. Disorganizing things

I am such a freak when it comes to things organization, tidiness, and cleanliness. So, it will irritate me so much to see things disorganized here and there and when I see a bag full of clutter and unclear stuff.

5. Fun and serious in wrong circumstances

Yes, I hate people who laugh and make jokes when I am in the middle of saying serious things. I hate when people make fun of some sort of serious and deep discussion. I mean, we can be fun in other times, but now? seriously dude.

There are might be some other things that irritate me, but those five are the ones that got my head explode with anger (too much? okay). So, that is all!

4 #30DayChallenge

4 #30DayChallenge

Number 4 – what you wear to bed.

I am not a fan of pajamas, never was, and never will. My parents also never make me wear one as well, so I am not accustomed to it. What I wear to bed then the same clothes I wear after I take a bath. It is usually just simple pants and a t-shirt.

Sleeping should be comfortable and relaxing, so I always wear something simple and easy. I also rarely use a blanket as I prefer my body being exposed by the wind from the fan. So, that is it, the shortest post.

Source: Google
3 #30DayChallenge

3 #30DayChallenge

Without further due, here is number 3 – what kind of person attracts you. Well, the first quality that comes up in my mind is surely intelligence. I am forever attracted to intelligent, creative, inspiring people.

Ever since I was a junior high student, I have always attracted to smart people. For me, intelligence is sexy, more than physical look. As I grow up, my attraction to intelligence grows bigger. I am easily attracted by someone who loves reading, who collects books, who goes to libraries, who discusses ideas, who executes plans, who chases their dreams.

Of course there are other things or qualities that attract me, but intelligence seems to be in the top of the list. Now, I have a way bigger view of intelligence. I am not limited the term to only those who have lots of degrees and publish many international papers. Intelligence, for me now, is a quality that every person possesses. I am currently attracted to video makers on YouTube who are really fun and creative.

Source: Google

So, what I am saying is, I am attracted to intelligence and passion. It is just so heartwarming to see passionate people do what they love doing. It is like there is a positive vibe and spark around them that is so contagious. Many times I fall for someone who is into something, even if that is video games, it is just fun listening to someone bubbling about the things they like even if they are insignificant for me.

I love people who have interests, hobbies, and passions, and make efforts for them. I love people who can be both serious and fun, with whom I can throw jokes at but discuss deep topics at the same time, with whom I can be more knowledgeable every day. So, basically, someone who is nourishing my mind and soul.

I know that physical appearance can be so appealing, and kindness and politeness can be so inviting as well. I also like people with those qualities, who would not? but still, passion and intelligence come first for me. I mean, even a handsome face will be not so pleasant to see every day, we need more than that, something deep and something more lasting, like personality and yes, passion.

Source: Google

So, if you want to attract me, just tickle my brain with some topics. It does not have to be with the heavy economic or political issues as I am also lost in them, just pick a topic that interests you and talk to me through it, and I can assure you that I will be impressed.

2 #30DayChallenge

2 #30DayChallenge

Okay, let us moving on to the second challenge, this one is how I have changed in the past two years. Talking about my change or transformation in these past two years is interesting and embarrassing at the same time. Two years ago, I was in my early semester being a happy and free soul. I was so so into my college life.

Nothing much changes over these two years, I am still a happy and free soul although I am more bitter and tired now, of surviving my final semester. In terms of my physical appearance, the changes might be about me getting more weight and acne that are now showing up on my face. Everything else remains the same.

But, in terms of my personality and perspective, I can say that things are pretty much changed. Two years ago, I was just a regular student who knew her passion in English, but not specifically in English writing. I also saw everything much simpler back then. I was free from judgments and prejudices. My main interest was English and never thought that I would be so into creativity. My mind now is also much more complex. One day I can think about chilling out at home while another day I will be very excited about making the world a better place for my grandchildren. Weird, I know. It is just that I have clearer pictures about my future now. I, moreover, talk about future with my friends on a daily basis now which we rarely did back then. I now feel like I am really embracing my adulthood (I am approaching 22, by the way) but remains as easy going and fun as a child. I do not want to let myself stressed out with the routine, so I always try to find time to do my hobbies. I am making time for my hobbies, that is a change as well.

Source: Google

I must say that life was easier back then. But, I am not interested in re-living it as I am trying to enjoy what I have now. The past really helps me in shaping everything I am now. I am grateful for everything that has happened and will continuously try my best for my current and future self.

What changes most, I suppose, is how my passion slowly shifts from speaking to writing and from London, UK, to New York, US. Two years ago, I was really passionate about speaking. I constantly practiced my speaking and I read many speaking books. Today is not really different though as I am still practicing my speaking. What is different is that I do not have time or interest in reading speaking books anymore. I am now focusing on reading and expanding my knowledge about writing. I read many blogs and books related to writing. I now worship writers more than speakers. I am also more serious in building a career in writing after graduation. Speaking, for me now, is like a hobby. I am still passionate about it even though I no longer read books about it. Writing, on the other hand, is something that I really want to focus my heart and mind into and I prove it by reading books about writing. I also now frequently come to many writing events to expand my knowledge.

Source: Google

The next significant change is my love for London, UK, that now changes to New York, US. If two years ago was about pouring myself with everything about London – culture, British accent, movies, iconic places, and universities – I am now pouring myself with everything about New York. I even have this dream to study creative writing at NYU which is huge! My interest just changes like that, like all I liked about London just went away and now I am all about New York.

Source: Google

So, that is all about my changes in these past two years. I know it is not something physical, but I think, my mental changes are much more important than my physical one. Yeah.

1 #30DayChallenge

1 #30DayChallenge

Wohoo, I am gonna be doing this 30 day challenge starting from today! I found this picture on Pinterest and was interested in giving it a go right away. So, here I am, writing or doing my first day challenge.


As we can see, the first challenge is about weird things I do when I am alone. I am weird in a most elegant way possible, therefore, I do many weird things especially when I am alone. But, these two will be the weird and fun things combined that I do when I am alone – dancing crazily and talking to myself.

First of all, I love dancing so much. It relaxes me and makes me happy. I might look shy on the outside (especially for strangers), but I can be super wild on the inside. I will listen to the fun songs first and then dance following the rhythm. I am shameless when I am alone. I can do super weird and embarrassing dance moves for hours. I will also sing loudly and act as if I am a singer. That is fun, actually.

The songs have to be loud, fun, cheerful, and usually fast-paced. The song I am currently into is Daddy by Psy. The music video, in case you have not watched, is so ridiculously hilarious. I cannot help it but dance my ass off. Another song that makes me shake my body hard is coming from my favorite singer, Adele, called Send My Love. This song is so catchy that I set it on repeat.

Talking about dancing brings me to the past when I used to be really shy and not expressive even when I was alone. I was just too tight to have fun. But, now, as I am embracing weirdness, I am pretty happy to dance weirdly as it makes me happy. It truly affects my mood, to be honest, I can turn to be extremely happy from extremely sad. Dancing energizes me as well. It is good, you should try this too.

Source: Google

Second, I talk to myself. I am personally not considering this one as a weird thing, I think this one is pretty normal. But, for most people, talking to ourselves can be considered crazy. It is terrifying as well to see someones talks to him/herself, especially in public. I will also think that the person might be crazy or have some sort of mental illness or, although this one will be very unlikely, very very creative and busy with his/her own mind. I mean, just look at a child or a toddler, people will tolerate him talking to himself even when he talks about the most illogical things. This toddler will talk (a lot) in public. He will describe things, sing random songs, point at something and babble about it. These things are normal considering his age and his thinking capacity, not to mention his awareness of surrounding. This is acceptable. Case closed.

On the other hand, for adults like yours truly here, talking to myself will be as crazy as it sounds. I sometimes do that even in public just because it is fun and mind-nourishing. I, of course, keep it low so other people won’t hear me. But, there are just some adults that I encounter especially in public buses who talking to themselves. They are mumbling things, nonsense, most of the time. That scares the hell out of me. That, furthermore, I can consider as crazy although I do not know the motive behind it.

Source: Google

I do not want to be called a crazy person, of course, so I try not to talk to myself in public. But, in private, oh I do talk to myself, quite a lot, actually. Talking to myself is a sort of therapy for me, just like writing. Many times, when I feel lonely and have no one to talk to, I will talk to myself about many things. I may talk in English and Bahasa Indonesia, mostly in English now – to practice, that’s it.

I will act as an actress being interviewed or a speaker in a conference, anything that makes me speak. Yes, I am role playing, with myself. Maybe this is why I consider this as a weird thing I do when I am alone because it is. Maybe not many people do that. I am unique then, or crazy. You choose.

Talking to myself also calms me when I am worried and stressed. It is like I have a friend who listens to me when I have lots of things to say. I also consider this blog or other writing media as a friend where I share anything.

So, that is all, my two weird things that I do when I am alone. I can think of anything else, but those two are the most common and frequent things I do when I am alone and I consider them as weird things. Dancing is actually not weird though, but dancing alone in the middle of the night, surely is.

Even though those two things are weird, I plan to keep doing it in the future because it is fun. I mean, in these busy days, we need one or two things that can cheer us up no matter what, right? I am glad I have found my things, I hope you will find yours.

Finally, my first challenge checked! I am looking forward to writing the rest of the challenges. This challenge is so interesting and helpful especially for my writing routine and practice.

Until the second challenge, folks!

On Growing Up

On Growing Up

Source: Google

I once read a quote from Peter Pan saying that we should not be growing up because it is a trap. It is obvious from this that he wishes to stay young and hate the idea of growing up and becoming an adult.

There are some moments when I feel really frustrated about being a 20 year old woman. There are responsibilities, discipline, works, tough questions to respond to, plans, goals, plans again, and routines. Just writing this makes me sick already. It feels like there are constant works and responsibilities coming into my way, and this is not in a good way. Sometimes, I feel like maybe I am too nagging and afraid of anything near responsibility and commitment, but then I guess, I am just afraid of loosing the fun and enthusiasm of a child in me. I am loosing it now.

I am grateful for the amazing childhood I had. I got silly friends to hang out 24 hours a day, I got soil on my shirt, I got my shirt dirty everyday for playing, I got my ankle bruises for falling from a bike, I learned how to climb a tree, how it felt to avoid a dog, how it felt to be chased over by some guys. I got it all. My childhood was a moment I will always cherish my whole life.

I am also grateful that I grew up according to my age. When I was in elementary school, all I knew was going to school with my best friend; coming home around 1, having lunch with Mom; and going outside to play. My days were always exciting. There were always adventures each day, and I embraced them all. I was fearless of the unknown.

When I was in junior high, I learned my first responsibility lesson. It was something like doing my homework; waking up early in the morning; and surviving school with its ups and downs until graduation. It was the time when I first learned how to use a cell phone. My parents got me a cell at that time. I was ecstatic. I got this small phone with me and texted my friends for no apparent reason. I embraced the era of texting gracefully.

Moving onto senior high, my responsibility grew bigger. I got a new phone and was into music. I and my friends still texted to communicate and it continued like that until I graduated. The major thing happened would be the social media wave which brought Friendster and Facebook into my life. Those two were the very first social media I had fun using. The former was even more special because it was so happening during my junior high years.

Going into university was a serious business. Everything changed at this time. Not only in terms of how this world works, like the Internet everywhere and how people are so hooked to it, but also in terms of how I as a person lives. Many things have happened along the way. And I must say that university life really transforms me into someone I never though I would become.

As I am writing this now, I have like dozens of responsibilities in my life. The biggest one will be my responsibility in study. Other than that, I have responsibilities to help my parents and etc. But, my personality changes quite drastically. This is actually why I decide to write this in the first place.

As I grow older, I become more depressed and tend to be sad. I can be so cynical about everything and everyone. I judge, a lot. I overthink. I hate. I hold grudges. The list goes on and on. There are still some good qualities in me, though. It is just how my personality and mood can differ so much at days and nights. I feel like I do not live my life at times, I just merely survive.

Source: Google

I hate this personality of me. I want to be a fun, loving, enthusiastic person that I used to be when I was a kid. I want to bring it back, to lit the passion of adventures in me again, to feel alive.

I then try to change my perspective. I perceive growing up as a fun process. It is true that it is daunting at times with the tasks and the routines, but hey! there are also some cool stuff you can – and allowed to do – only if you are an adult such as watching porn (the first example that comes to my mind to be honest), coming home late, surfing the Internet without limitation, spending money because you are the one who fucking earns it anyway, going to places you like, shopping for hours, kissing, making love (only if you are married, better safe and halal, right? right), and more.

My childhood was incredible. I do not have mind living it again. It is impossible though, so let us be realistic and write about the now and future moment. As a child, we do have some things and wild wishes to be done later when we grow up. Years ago, I was dying to wear wedges or heels, wear a girly bag anywhere I go, and dress myself. I was curious about how to use a tampon for my first period, to hang out with my friends and talk about gossips, and to work. The things we do today are actually the thoughts we had years ago, right? so, we better enjoy it all now.

Being an adult sucks as hell, I know. The thesis waiting to be finished, the job to look for, the horrible boss, the money to earn, the unsuccessful relationship, and so on. But, we can have it otherwise by keeping the enthusiasm alive and staying curious and adventurous just like a five year old child. We can be happier this way.

So, despite the nagging family asking about my future boyfriend, the tiring process of studying, the exhausting process of getting a job and/or working, and the depressing process of planning your life and choosing a career, let us be happy to be an adult. Let us celebrate this life with everything we can, everything we like (minus alcohol though), and never-ending adventures we can create ourselves.

Life is beautiful if you see it so. It is all about perspectives, right? so, let us embrace the adulthood with such grace and coolness and swag if possible. Let us keep the “childness” in us without being childish and keep the passions for life alive in our soul. Okay, I am being a philosopher now, aren’t I?

To end this piece, let me attach my very best portrait. This truly captures a fun me.


On Becoming A Creative Person

On Becoming A Creative Person

Source: Google

I used to underestimate creative or artsy people because I was all about academic stuff like the ones you find at school. So, taking a drawing course or spending time at an art center would be a big NO for me. It was me years ago, the person I am now is just the opposite.

I appreciate art and the creativity. I have been working for these past two years to be more creative especially in writing. When I was younger, I used to think that I was not born to be an artist because I could not draw – my drawing was and still is horrible. I could not sing either, I do sing for my own ears. It took ages for me to master some arts like the jahit or rajut thing when I was in junior high school. I could do some styles though at the end and I was really proud of my work. And, finally, I simply believed that I was just not born with art streaming down my blood. That belief stuck in me for years even until I graduated senior high school.

Source: Google

Then, at my first semester of university, I met my speaking lecturer for the first time and was inspired by her right away. I remember reading a book saying that public speaking is an art, I then think that my ability in English speaking can be considered as an art. I am then, after all, is not bad at art. I might just have not found the right type of art.

I enjoy my university life. When I was at my third semester, I had my writing class for the first time. Right then I knew that I would be excel at this class. I had this strong confident from my heart. I then learned to craft a piece after piece. I still remember how thrilled I was when I saw a comment from my lecturer “nice!” on my poem about friendship. I then knew that I might be good at writing. My passion in writing started to grow.

It has been years since that appreciative comment coming to me. I am now claiming myself as an aspiring writer. I hold this belief that I am good at writing, at putting words together, at producing something good to read. Writing is my creativity and my art. This is something that makes me happy to be alive.

I also believe that being able to understand a foreign language is another type of art and creativity. The fact that mastering a language needs skills and strategies is logical enough to call myself a creative person. I now focus on my English like I always do. This particular language is like my soul.

The version of me now believes that creative and artsy people are not nerdy, but just the opposite, cool. I used to underestimate people or guys in a band, I mean, would it be cooler hanging out with engineers and professors? I mean, what is the point of playing music if you end up being penniless? Yes, I was that judgmental.

The opinion about the income of a band thing is still an issue until now. People who work in a creative industry have been the soft target of this delicate issue. But, looking at the reality, doing creativity in this country indeed will not give us much. I, to be really honest, will take my writing as my side job, with teaching as my main one. I am still not sure how writing will take me, but still, I am not giving it up.

My old perspective about creative people has long gone. I now perceive creative people as cool and inspiring ones. I also perceive arts and creativity from many angles. Creative people are not only the ones who draw and paint, but also the ones who write. They are not only the song writers, but also the video makers. They are not only the designers, but also the teachers. I mean, creativity has a lot ranges that I have not discovered. All people are actually born with creativity side with them, the types are just not the same.

Source: Google

So, my appreciation to creative people grows bigger each day. As I am busy watching You Tubers on their videos, I then think how many creative people out there and how cool they all are. I no longer over praise people at schools or those who excel at their academic life, and I no longer under praise the ones who excel at other things like music and film. Each of us has our own talents, it is our job to discover and direct them.

I am still obsessed about becoming a (more) creative person, and I wish one day I can expand my creativity to film making, painting, illustrating, etc. Right now, I will take writing as my most creative medium. I surely will focus on this now and ever, as you might predict.

Lastly from me, even if it is cool to have degrees and be so good at sciences, but would not it be nicer to have other skills such as in web designing, writing stories, painting, and even public speaking? I mean, to always learn and improve ourselves, so we can maximize our both parts of brain.

Source: Google

Cheers to creativity!

Reuniting with High School Sweethearts

Reuniting with High School Sweethearts

Last Sunday was such a blast for me and my high school mates. As planned, we held a breakfasting feast at Dini’s house. I and my girls had prepared for that very carefully and passionately. Having a breakfasting feast like that is like our annual event that we hold to catch up with each other. Time surely flies and we do not want to be so lost contact.

Sunday afternoon was cloudy though. It was raining cats and dogs. I and my friends had a hard time reaching Dini’s house that day. I arrived the first though. I went straight into Dini’s room and we chatted while waiting for others.

We prepared the drink, food, and fruit. Our friends one by one came and headed straight into upstairs. Around 6 p.m., we were all together and broke our fast by drinking the fruit beverage and eating fried snacks. We then performed Magrib prayer and enjoyed the meal together.

It was nice eating together with them after a long time. I did not greet my friends one by one though, especially the boys. We were still not very close towards each other. But, I definitely had a blast with my girlfriends. Kartika also had a blast herself, she even had this idea to buy the balloons for our property.

I missed my classmates. Some of them could not make it that day. I wanted to talk to my friends that evening, but there was just this boundary we could not remove yet. The boundary that made intimacy difficult to have.

Despite the individualism and the awkwardness, we had a fun taking pictures together. It is true that taking pictures really unite people together.

They might not be the best pals I wish I have, but they are just the people who really colored my senior high school moments bright. We had been through a lot of stuff together and that memory would last forever. So, thanks 12 IPS B, cheers for more years to come!